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Our Formula Breakdown

The Healthspan Co powders are nutritionally complete set of products that are high in protein and fiber, low in sugar and salt, rich in phytonutrients, and contain a balanced macro split of 52:30:12:6 (net carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber) and over 15 essential vitamins and minerals.

Additionally, they contain no lactose or any other animal ingredients.

The Healthspan Co. powders are a significant source for all macro and most micronutrients. 

The Healthspan Co. Powder is 52:30:12:6 Macro Split

The principal macronutrients through which we obtain energy from food are carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber. In The Healthspan Co. Powder we’ve set them at the ratio of 52:30:12:6 respectively; 52% of the energy comes from healthy carbohydrate, 30% from proteins, 12% from fats, and 6% from fiber.

Amino acids are the most basic units of protein. Several amino acids are essential for life with others being crucial for good health, so any diet has to contain a significant amount of protein.

There are also fatty acids that are essential for life and good health, so including sources of fat is crucial, too. Moreover, there are some fatty acids that are required for optimal health, and The Healthspan Co. Powder is rich in the fats that provide these essential fatty acids like Omega-3.

Carbohydrate – whilst not essential per se – does have significant benefits with respect to sustaining energy levels, and those in The Healthspan Co. Powder are slow-release carbohydrates – ideal for maintaining energy for up to several hours.

Carbohydrate in The Healthspan Co. Powder: Oats

The carbs in The Healthspan Co. Powder are from ultra-fine powdered oats. Oats have been shown to have a low glycemic index (GI); GI refers to how long it takes between ingesting a carb source and the resulting rise in blood sugar and, hence, energy levels. The oats in The Healthspan Co. Powder mix easily and help sustain energy levels until the next meal.

Fat in The Healthspan Co. Powder: Chia Seeds, Flaxseeds and Coconut

The fats in The Healthspan Co. Powder provide 12% of the total energy and are made up of chia seeds and flaxseed to ensure that the essential fatty acids are included in optimum amounts. We’ve also included coconut for very good reasons: the fats in coconut are known as medium chain triglycerides, or MCTs, and these are treated much like carbs.

They provide an energy-rich, sustained fuel and are perfect for those of us with busy lifestyles. But MCTs have another invaluable quality: they are not susceptible to oxidation and rancidity, meaning that they do not contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques which increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. In short, MCTs from coconut are a healthy and efficient source of energy.

There are two completely essential fatty acids (EFAs) that humans require: linoleic acid (LA – an omega-6 fatty acid) and alpha linolenic acid (ALA – an omega-3). Using our blend of flaxseed and chia seeds oil powder, we’ve ensured The Healthspan Co Powder contains sufficient amounts of both of these EFAs as well as other omega-3 and -6 fatty acids.

Moreover, these natural seed powders provide antioxidants and other vitamins and minerals.

The Healthspan Co. Powder is high-protein: Soy, Pea, Moong and Rice

All essential amino acids are included in adequate amounts from four vegan protein sources: soy, moong, pea and rice protein, as well as protein from the oat and almond powders.

Furthermore, protein is more satiating (appetite suppressing) than other macronutrients and we've designed The Healthspan Co. powder to stop unwanted hunger pangs.

All protein sources are not equal: some are classed as “complete proteins” and some are not. A complete protein is one that contains sufficient quantities of all nine essential amino acids.

Generally, proteins derived from animal foods (meats, fish, poultry, milk and eggs) are complete. Indeed, some proteins derived from plant foods (legumes, seeds, grains, and vegetables) are often complete as well. Examples include include quinoa, buckwheat and soy. Many plant foods have insufficient amounts of one or more of the essential amino acids. Some are notably low, such as corn protein, which is low in lysine and isoleucine.

The protein in The Healthspan Co. Powder comes from five of the main six ingredients: pea protein, moong, soy, oats, brown rice protein, flaxseed, and MCT powder. This ensures a good range of all amino acids and that there’s sufficient amounts of the essential amino acids. Rice protein is high in the sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine and methionine, plus contains good amounts of all the others, but is very low in lysine. Pea protein is low in cysteine and methionine but high in lysine. Plus, there’s additional protein from the MCT powder, the flaxseed, and the oats, which are reasonably high in all essential amino acids.

The Healthspan Co. Powder is High-fiber: Oats, Flaxseed & Guar Gum

The fiber in The Healthspan Co. Powder is a mixture of soluble and insoluble forms all naturally supplied from the food ingredients, mainly from oats, guar gum and flaxseed. The high fiber content of The Healthspan Co. powder helps to ensure the formation of normal, solid stools in healthy users.

The The Healthspan Co. powder formula has been designed to maintain optimum digestive system health. Moreover, you may well have heard about the beneficial soluble fiber in oats called beta-glucan; well, The Healthspan Co. powder is loaded with this cholesterol-lowering fiber; ideal for a healthy heart.

Vitamins and Minerals in The Healthspan Co. Powder

A bulk of the vitamins and minerals – also known as micronutrients – in The Healthspan Co. powder are from natural ingredients.

The Healthspan Co. contains 7 different minerals, most of them added in a chelate form. A chelated mineral is one that has been bonded to two or more amino acids. A mineral in this “chelated state” allows easy passage through the intestinal wall into the blood resulting in increased metabolism of that mineral. 

The Healthspan Co. contains a premix of vitamins like Vitamin A/B1/B5/B6/B12/C/D/E and minerals like Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Iron, Potassium & Sodium.    

Phytonutrients in The Healthspan Co. powder

Phytonutrients are substances found in plant foods which, whilst not essential, may exhibit some health benefits like disease risk prevention. Junk food diets and many synthetic liquid diets that aren’t based on real food are deficient in phytonutrients and thus consumers miss out on invaluable health benefits and antioxidant effects.

Because The Healthspan Co. Powder’s fundamental ingredients are plant-based foods, these are already phytonutrient-rich, and the benefits are passed onto anyone consuming The Healthspan Co. Powder. However, we've also added some additional phytonutrients to optimize the The Healthspan Co. formula and to complement the antioxidant nutrients vitamins C and E and selenium.

Phytonutrient polyphenols in The Healthspan Co. Powder have antioxidant activity and help protect against cardiovascular disease, some cancers and age-related conditions. The Healthspan Co. Powder's beneficial phytonutrients include the following:

  • Avenanthramides are antioxidant polyphenols unique to oats shown to have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Ferulic acid, also from oats, is a potent antioxidant and antibacterial agent and has also been shown to have anti-cancer properties.
  • Lutein comes from the flaxseed powder. Although not essential, there is concern that diets low in lutein may lead to macular degeneration of the eye in the elderly, as lutein is involved in eye pigment development. Lutein is also an antioxidant.
  • Other carotenoids and bioflavonoids have antioxidant activity and are naturally present from the vegetable and fruit powders like cabbage, carrot, pineapple and ginger.

Probiotics & Prebiotics

The Healthspan Co. Gut Nourishing Meal Replacement contains the probiotic & prebiotic blend of Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus plantarum & Lactobacillus sporogenes. 

Probiotics are ‘good’ bacteria which, when consumed in adequate amounts, have health benefits, particularly for gut health.

The Healthspan Co powders offer far superior nutrition to most conventional diets. They can be an add-on to your diet to ensure you are giving your body what it needs as you age.

Ingredients of The Healthspan Co. Energy Dense Nutrition Mix

Pea Protein Concentrate, Soy Protein Isolate, Moong Bean Protein, Rice Protein, Almond Powder, Chia & Flax Seeds, Coconut Cream, Oat Beta Glucans, Malt Extract, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Date Palm Powder, Guar Gum, Cocoa Powder, Maltodextrin, Vegetables & Fruit Powders (Cabbage, Carrot, Papaya, Pineapple, Ginger), Spirulina, Moringa, Green Tea Extract, Curcumin, Ashwagandha, Xanthan Gum, Multivitamins & Trace mineral Premix.

Ingredients of The Healthspan Co. Gut Nourishing Meal Replacement

Pea Protein Concentrate, Soy Protein Isolate, Moong Bean Protein, Rice Protein, Almond Powder, Chia & Flax Seeds, Coconut Cream, Oat Beta Glucans, Malt Extract, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Date Palm Powder, Guar Gum, Cocoa Powder, Maltodextrin, Vegetables & Fruit Powders (Cabbage, Carrot, Papaya, Pineapple, Ginger), Spirulina, Moringa, Green Tea Extract, Curcumin, Ashwagandha, Xanthan Gum, Multivitamins & Tracemineral Premix, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Caralluma Fimbriata, Chromium Polynicotinate, Garcinia Cambogia, L- Carnitine, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus plantarum & Lactobacillus sporogenes.

Ingredients of The Healthspan Co. Sustainably Lean Metabolic Mix

Maize Dextrin Fiber, Bifidobacterium Lactis, Polydextrose, Nature Identical Flavouring Substance (Orange), Acidity Regulator (Ins 330), Sweetener (Ins 955), Anticaking Agent (Ins 551).